Chaos To Calm In 60 Minutes.

60 Minutes Single Coaching Session.

Are you co-parenting with a narcissistic partner or ex?

  • Has shit hit the fan?

  • Has the narcissistic co-parent dropped a bombshell on you and your children?

If that’s the case, this Single Coaching Session may be right for you.

Who is this for?

  • You are an old client of mine and looking for ongoing support.

  • You are looking for some help for a situation that needs immediate attention.

  • You have used one of my Gift Sessions in the past and looking to book a follow-up session.

Single Session - £99

If you are looking for ongoing support, please check the ongoing support here.

I am assuming that you are here because the shit has hit the fan with your narcissistic co-parent and you need some coaching and mentoring to manage an emergency situation. But, it’s not the time for you to commit to ongoing support. You need guidance, validation and actions right now

The following are some of the examples of emergencies (these are examples and not an exhaustive list)

  • The narcissistic co-parent has sent you abusive communication and you are too fearful to even look at the text/email.

  • Your children come home and act out aggressively and you need help getting perspective to take actions to de-escalate the situation

  • You have an upcoming court hearing and you are feeling fearful and anxious.

  • You are experiencing anxiety and low mood and you need some help to cope.

  • You are feeling isolated and lonely and you want to speak with someone but all your friends and family are getting tired of you talking about the same thing. They advise you to “move on” or “get a grip” and tell you that “it’s in the past”.

  • You feel scared and angry and the emotions are spiralling and you need someone to help you bring the spiralling thoughts down.

You are not looking for an ongoing coaching programme, but you do want to take swift actions to manage the current situation.

If that’s where you are, you can book a 60-minute single coaching session with me.

I help parents who co-parent with narcissistic partners to preserve their sanity, get their life back, and support their children to thrive.

I offer 1-2-1 coaching and mentoring to get strategic about your co-parenting, combined with holistic approaches to heal your fried-up nervous system at a deep subconscious level.

This offer is for 60 minutes single 1-2-1 coaching and you can book as many sessions as you like.

What’s the difference between the one off session and monthly coaching offer?

  • During our time in One Off session, you get my time and expertise and there won’t be any follow-up support. 
  • My ongoing Coaching programme involves ongoing support in between calls. 

If you are looking for ongoing support, please have a look at this offer. 


When booking the call you will be prompted to answer a few questions that will determine the priority for the call. We are going to focus on that. So, please give me as much information as you can. 

Payments can be made when booking the session.

During a single coaching hour,  we can focus on the most pressing issue for you. 

  • I will listen and validate your experience

  • Use EFT tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique) to reduce the intensity of feelings you are experiencing such as fear, anger or anxiety etc.

  • I will help you feel more grounded and come back to the body.

  • I will help you figure out the best course of actions depending on your situation

  • I will share resources with you so you can continue to work on the issue

  • Send you a follow up request. This is so that you can share your observations and actions via an email with me. 

If this is the right fit for you, use the button below to book a call.