Co-Parenting With A Narcissist 101


Date: 6th of November

Time: 4-5.30 GMT

(11 am EST / 8 am PST / 5 pm Europe )

You are here because you want to learn how to navigate the unique challenges of co-parenting with a narcissist. You want to preserve your sanity. You are craving to get your life back. And, you want to support your children to thrive.

In this 90 minute workshop, I am going to share a roadmap to strategically navigate this unique challenge.

Who is this for?

  • You are going through a custody battle with a narcissistic partner

  • You are separated / divorced and children go between homes

  • You are living in the same house as the narcissistic co-parent and everyday challenges are overwhelming

During this 90-minute workshop, I will teach you,

  • Stages of Narcissistic Abuse Recovery.

  • Co-parenting or parallel parenting?

  • Best practices of parallel parenting

  • Communicating without fear

  • What boundaries are suitable?

  • Supporting children through the chaos

  • Healing

  • My offers

  • Q & A


  • You must be aware that you are co-parenting with a high-conflict/narcissistic/emotionally immature co-parent.

  • This workshop is a content-rich workshop where I will be teaching for 55 minutes. There will be 30 minutes for Q & A.

  • I will not take too long to share my offers. You can use the Q&A session to ask more questions about the offers. 

  • It’s free to attend. Your email will be added to my mailing list. You can opt out at registration.

  • You will get recordings and handouts once you have completed the feedback form.

  • It’s best to attend the LIVE workshop.

  • You will receive the Zoom link 48 hours before the workshop.

  • You will be required to turn the cameras on at the beginning to ensure the safety of the participants. Feel free to leave it off for the rest of the session. (Click on the three dots on the zoom screen if you want to rename yourself and remain anonymous).

What this workshop is NOT about:

  • This is not a community event. No breakout room or opportunities for you to share your stories / experiences / advice.

  • The comments will be switched off while I teach. So, have a pen and a paper ready for you to jot down the questions that come up.

  • I won’t be able to help you if you are highly triggered during the session. If you are, use this video to help you feel grounded.

  • If you are in immediate danger, please call 999 or the National Domestic Abuse Helpline in your area.

Co-parenting with a person who loves conflict, who is rigid, entitled, vindictive, antagonistic, and dysregulated can be one of the most difficult things you ever do in your life. That's why you need all the support, understanding, and skills to navigate this difficult journey.

Society will force you to reconcile. Family and friends would expect you to co-parent because they believe it’s what’s best for children. Deep down, you may want to co-parent for the sake of the children. In some cases, the court may have ordered you to co-parent.

But, the reality is,

You have a better chance of bumping into a unicorn that farts rainbows than meeting a narcissist who agrees to co-parent mutually.

Instead, they use children as a bargaining chip to control and punish you.

The chaos a narcissist creates in your life is not something that anyone would understand. The damage is unfathomable to you and to your children. But, you know that already.

Your ability to be present and build genuine connections with your children is the antidote to the narcissist’s attempts to alienate you, trash you to the children, gaslight your children, and use your children against you.

You can heal. Your children will thrive. You can get your life back.